
Welcome to the portfolio of David Fagan.

  • Development projects here.
  • Graphic Design projects here.
  • Photography here.
  • Logos here.
  • Videography here.
  • Contact form & social media here.

Brief Introduction

I have always been fascinated by technology and the accomplishments that can be gained from it. I started developing my website around the age of 15. Fagan-1.com at it's peak was one of the most popular sites for people around my age. The site was a hub for people to visit and download music as well as other resources, including a community forum.

Throughout the years of developing my website, I used my skill of creating graphic images. I used this skill to create the numerous looks for the site. I learned to slice the layouts into segments to host within a HTML page. As well as this, I learned how to code the site to be user friendly and appealing.

Click below for more information about me.

Mac Image


Expirementing with web development is something that I do in my spare time. As I have mentioned already, I have been doing this from a young age and I will occasionally give my sites a make over giving them a new look and feel. Doing this allows me to discover new features while implementing them within my sites. I do this because I believe it is important to keep my sites up to date for anyone who comes across them and for myself to continue learning.

In my spare time I enjoy producing videos. I use a GoPro Hero 3+ and an iPhone to record footage. I then use the footage to create movies and upload them to my YouTube channel. I enjoy making movies of my travels including, holidays and motorbike journeys.

Prior to making videos I used to spend time creating images for forum signatures and old social media. Designing these images gave me Photoshop skills and a creative edge. My old designs can be seen by clicking below.


Throughout my further education I have worked on numerous projects. I have worked on lone projects and group projects, below are some examples of them.

Fagan-1.Com Website

Personal website, since 2006. I created it to offer a platform for my friends to visit to get music and other resources. The site is used nowadays to pay homage to the past and what was created. The site is mainly HTML5 and CSS and this is the area that I am most confortable with.

Sole Project

Video/Game Hire WPF Application

I was tasked with creating a solution to a problem that would be used as part of my Graded Unit 2. I chose to create an application that would be used to store data on video games and films to the benefit of shop staff. The application was coded using Visual Studio and was developed in the C# programming language. Implements singleton design pattern to create a single instance of a library class that stores members, video game and film information.

Sole Project

School2Uni Website

Website created for a University module. The project aim was to design a website from pure CSS that would appeal to high school pupils considering university. Implements JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and a single MySQL database. Uses information from external APIs to get data and JavaScript to display the information in a more visually appealing fashion. The site columns and layout were designed by myself utilising CSS.

School 2 Uni
Sole Project

Locate-A-Quake Website

The main concept of this project was to provide a map-based visualisation of extreme weather across the world and plot earthquakes on Google maps utilising data from external APIs. This was implemented through the use of a variety of technologies, including CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML and PHP. It had to be easy to access and interactive for users, as well as being responsive so that users on any devices will be able to use the website.

Group Project

Milestone Java Application

This application was developed implementing Java servlets and the H2 database.

Group Project

Various Java Applications

While studying in first year I developed various Java applications in NetBeans. This was my first introduction to OOP and the applications created were simplistic but gave me a basis to build on for future projects.

Sole Project

Get in touch

Use the contact form below to send me an email.